Hooked On Photography
I've been interested in Photography ever since buying my first camera at the tender age of 11. Shortly after buying the camera my curiosity overtook and I had to try developing my own prints, needless to say I was soon hooked!
I started work at 16 as a scanner operator in the printing trade and soon ended up as a retoucher. I've been fortunate to work at some of the best print organisations in the UK. During this time I developed a keen eye for image detail and learned a great deal about getting the best out of every image.
In 2010 my wife and I moved from the UK to British Columbia, Canada, now I have a wonderful opportunity to photograph some amazing scenery and fascinating wildlife. We both love to travel and explore new adventures.
Every day spent on photography presents new challenges and more learning opportunities, that only leads to great rewards when you achieve a final image to be proud of.
My other big passion is motorcycling, currently on a 1700cc Triumph Thunderbird.
Paul Hibbert
Freelance Photographer